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Rioja Reaps Praise from Peñín Guide 2025 Yearbook

– The influential Penin Guide 2025 Yearbook includes 1,113 Rioja wines, with nearly 70 per cent scoring 90 points or more.

– In addition, 63 Rioja wines scored 95 points or more.

– Rioja’s red, white, rosé and sparkling wines are all included, demonstrating the diversity of Rioja’s wines.


Rioja wine bottle corks


Rioja’s success continues – the prestigious Peñín Guide has announced the results of its annual wine ratings, with 1,113 Rioja wines included in the Peñín Guide 2025 Yearbook, hailing Rioja as the appellation with the most wines included in Spain.


In addition, Rioja was the most highly rated Spanish appellation, with 742 wines scoring 90 points or more, about 70 per cent of the Rioja wines included, and 63 Rioja wines scoring 95 points or more.



In terms of wine colour classification, Rioja’s red wines continue to dominate this time around, with a total of 834 selected, while white wines have also increased, with a total of 219 included. Rioja rosé and high-quality sparkling wines also scored quite well, with 55 and five wines selected respectively, reflecting the diversity of the appellation.


In addition, one Rioja wine received the invaluable 100 points: the Contador Las Paulejas 2020, which was selected alongside seven other Spanish wines from other appellations with perfect scores, and was described as “the wine that defines excellence in Spain”.



The Peñín Guide 2025 Yearbook, which will go on sale in October, tastes more than 9,800 wines from all Spanish regions.