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Rioja wine exports at record average prices as it leads the global market with high quality

The latest report from the Observatorio Español del Mercado del Vino shows that the average price of DOCa Rioja wines exported in 2023 is the highest in the all-time series, at 5.47 euros per liter, an increase of 1.3% compared to 2022. At first glance, this increase may seem modest, but it is particularly significant when considering that a new record has been set in the historical price series.



The figures behind this impressive performance are equally impressive. 2023 was not an easy year for the global bottled wine trade, with overall figures showing a decline in both volume and value. However, DOCa Rioja was less affected than other wines with Protected Designation of Origin (DOP), despite a general decline in exports of 5% in value and 6.6% in volume. This highlights not only the quality of Rioja wines and their recognition in the international market, but also the adaptability and positioning strategies of the region’s producers and marketers.



The DOCa Rioja (Rioja Premium Appellation) has not only maintained its prices, but has also expanded its presence abroad. By the end of 2023, Rioja wines will account for 40.6% of Spain’s total exports of bottled wines with Protected Designation of Origin (DOP) and 36.8% of the total volume. These figures, equivalent to 504.3 million euros and 92.3 million liters, prove that the wine industry, despite the adversity it faces, is finding ways to expand and gain recognition in an increasingly competitive market.



What can be learned from these results? Primarily that quality and solidity have paid off. The standard of excellence that Rioja wines have maintained, coupled with effective marketing campaigns and a strong commitment to market diversification, has enabled them not only to face the challenges of the global market, but also to seize opportunities where others see limitations.



As a result, Rioja is emerging as a beacon of stability in a global context of uncertainty and a promising future. As producers and exporters look ahead to 2024, the focus seems clear: to continue on the path of quality, to innovate in terms of presentation and communication, and to strengthen ties with existing and emerging markets. These strategies, which have proven effective to date, are likely to continue to shape the direction of Rioja’s Premium Appellations in a complex global wine market.



*Original article: Vinetur – El precio medio de las exportaciones de vino Rioja alcanza una cifra récord